Detecting Truth and Lies

If you want to learn the latest science behind detecting deception, vetted in the field, then our courses are the place for you. Based on years of research and drawing on the science from leading researchers and practitioners such as Dr Paul Ekman, Aldert Vrij, Joe Navarro and Dr David Matsumoto, these courses stand above much of the pseudo-science offered by other individuals and companies.
As a Paul Ekman trainer and Program Manager and Senior Mentor at the Body Language Academy by Joe Navarro, David Stephens is ideally placed to deliver deception detection training to organisations and individuals worldwide.
There are four different training courses which can be done in any order.
Deception Detection Training
An introduction to Truth and Lies
Understand the basics of detection deception in this introductory course, which reveals the key concepts and provides participants with practical skills they can begin using straight away.
This is a great way to start your study of detection deception, to gain some practical skills and expand your knowledge in this important area of human behaviour.
Stay tuned for new course dates, or register your interest.
Detecting Deception Training, Statement Analysis
This one and a half day course builds on what you have learnt during the three day workshop and takes it to the next level. This course focuses on the voice, language and statement analysis and key skills to understand whether someone is being credible.
Stay tuned for dates in November for the next training course! Or reach out and register your interest for the latest updates.
Detecting Truth and Lies
18-20 September 2024
Canberra Live Course
This in depth study of deception detection takes you through the practical art of deception detection. The three day course begins with the key concepts and research and building key practical skills and understanding of how to detect deception and promote the truth, with a focus on body language and facial expressions.
Places on this course are limited, so book now!
Tailored deception detection training
Reach out if you would like a truth and lies session tailored to your particular needs. We have experience training clients from a range of different professions, including law enforcement, vetting, legal, healthcare, HR and other many other sectors in these important skills.